Advertising for non-accommodation organisations
How to promote your business or organisation on
Whatsonexmoor is a visitor information website primarily targetted for accommodation providers.
The site went live on the internet in 1999 and has built up a considerable presence. Each page is tagged and optimised for a different set of keywords/phrases related to Exmoor tourism.
The site undewent a substantial upgrade in Spring 2010, with a new appearance and new navigation system.
Many pages were re-written. All the weblinks and information were checked and updated.
Non-accommodation businesses of interest to our visitors may have a free entry in the most relevant position.
If you additionally require a weblink to your own website, we would ask for a donation of £10 towards the maintenance of the
website. Please let us know your requirements
Small ads
Each page of this website has an "Exmoor Ads" section on the left edge under the main navigation menu.
This position is 180 pixels wide. The depth is unlimited.
Custom block ads can be placed here by any Exmoor Tourism related business.
Town/Village pages:
£20 per screen cm depth per year
Classified accommodation pages:
£25 per cm screen depth per year
Other pages:
£15 per screen cm depth per year
Please let us know your requirements