This website is intended to be a guide.
whatsonexmoor go to great lengths to ensure the accuracy of the content of this website - its' success depends on it.
However, we do rely on our clients advising us of changes, so there will inevitably be the occasional error.
Many of the hotels, self catering holiday cottages, camp sites, guest houses and B&B 's listed will have been inspected by the
Tourist Board, VisitBritain, AA or RAC. Some have not.
whatsonexmoor do not inspect accommodation and make no claims, recommendations or
guarantees about any aspect of the accommodation.
Please check with the owners direct for bookings and accreditation details.
whatsonexmoor do not inspect or vet advertisers or contributors.
whatsonexmoor is not an agency.
whatsonexmoor cannot
be held liable for any inaccuracies on this website or the consequences of such inaccuracy.
whatsonexmoor recommends
that users of this website contact the organisation or contributor they are interested in,
to check
the details and facts before committing time or expense.
If you discover an error or have any comments about this website, an advertiser or contributor, please let us know using the form here