Whatsonexmoor advertisement submission

Use this form for all Exmoor accommodation business advert submissions for inclusion on the whatsonexmoor.com website.

IMPORTANT - PLEASE Ensure the "caps lock" button on your keyboard is "off" before starting

Your details will normally be added to the whatsonexmoor website within 2 working days of receiving payment. 
All advertising must be pre-paid (cheque, online or by BACS transfer)  Advertising Terms and Conditions are here
Accommodation Name
Accommodation Postcode
Telephone Number
E-mail address
Number of rooms
or self catering units
Smoking permitted?
Are pets welcome?
website URL:
(ie. "www.yourplace.co.uk")
(600 chars. max)
(approx 75 words)
Please do NOT use all capitals
Key Features
20 words (150 chars)
Which Village page?
Service required Monitor the success rate of your entries in whatsonexmoor with a click-thro counter. 
Displayed in small blue numerals in the top right hand corner of the click-thro page.
Please type the word in the picture into the box underneath:
(prevents your form being spam-filtered)
    I accept your Advertising Terms
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